Photo of people enjoying wine around a fire

Bota Box

By entering the Bota Box website, you confirm that you are of legal drinking age in your country of residence.

It’s Always Dink & Drink Season

Official sponsor of the Carvana PPA Pickleball Tour

Great-tasting premium wine
Low alcohol, sugar and carbs*

Bota Box Breeze logo

*Analysis per 5 Fl oz – Bota Box Breeze Pinot Grigio, 80 Cal/3.3g Carbs/8% Alcohol, <1 g Protein, 0g Fat

Animated GIF of nutritional icons. 80 Calories* | 3.3g Carbs* | 8.0% Alcohol*

Light, refreshing wines for on-the-go enjoyment

Plus, low sugar, and gluten-free

Animated GIF of pickle ball paddle and Bota mini

Ready to Dive for Every Dink

Portable, shatterproof packaging makes Bota Breeze the perfect courtside pour

Animated GIF of days counting down

Stays Fresh

Finish the box on your schedule – Bota Breeze’s 3-liter packaging keeps wine fresh for up to 30 days

Animated GIF of wine glasses and trophy

“Top of the Podium”

Bota Box over-delivers on wine quality and continues to be an award-winning champion 

2025 PPA Tournament Schedule

Want to try Bota Box Breeze for yourself? Check out below dates for upcoming PPA tour stops – we’d love to say hello!